So someone else will have to tell you about that magika stuff.
There is one other thing though, if all else fails: You can us magika to trap someones soul (there is a spell for it I believe), but I don't get into magika much, I'm more of a beat-you-over-the-head-with-my-wacking stick kinda player. However, a friend of mine recently mentioned the Mystic Bindings perk in the Conjuration Tree that automatically enchants any Bound Weapon of your own with Soul Trap, but meh. Oh! and btw, an enchanters table helps too! Go see that annoyingly arrogant wizard in Dragons Reach for that. and you will actually need a full soul Gem to enchant a weapon in the first place. but if you wanna enchant your own weapon you will need to disenchant a weapon with soul trap on it in order to learn how. If you need more info, here: You can always use a weapon that already has a soul trap enchantment on it. for example, a humanoid soul requires a Black soul gem. Um, but I should also point out that some souls gems won't be big enough to hold some souls. Stick an empty soul gem in your inventory. Enchant your sword or bow or whatever weapon you use with the Soul Trap enchantment.